Thursday, December 24, 2015

Medical issues of immigrants in Germany

German Nurse Discusses New Diseases From Immigrants

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Single payer proposed in CO

Thursday, December 17, 2015

duping the public with balloon dilation

Public misinformation. Neural plasticity allows weeks of headache relief, then recurrence, but doc cashed in

Sinus dilation for headaches = duping the public.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Had a nice academic honor!

Congratulations! Your article, featured in The Laryngoscope, is among the Top 20 downloaded articles from the journal in 2015.
With such high interest in your research, we encourage you to further promote the article, increasing awareness and dissemination of the valued content.

Jeanie Sozansky and Steven M. Houser
Pathophysiology of empty nose syndrome 

downloads: 965


Sunday, November 29, 2015


Joey is now a Fordham Ram. He is enjoying Freshman year, and riding the bench on the club hockey team. Trying to pick a major. He was home for Thanksgiving, had a nice stay. Good to have him home again.

Eric Anthony, Teddy Houser, Joey Houser, Jack Anthony. The cousins from Columbus came up to hang out for Thanksgiving and all had a nice time.

Teddy moving the puck up during his hockey tournament this weekend. They got to the finals and came in 2nd v NDCL.

Monday, February 23, 2015

facility fees going to go bye-bye?®ion=CColumn&module=Recommendation&src=rechp&WT.nav=RecEngine&_r=2&abt=0002&abg=0 Interesting article. Hospital facility fees do put considerable $$ into the hospital coffers, not to the docs. Would hospitals jettison docs as employees if they could NOT recoup facility fees? Maybe the less productive docs would be booted?