Saturday, July 6, 2013

Apple slide to oblivion

Itunes 11 with its partner in failure ios 6, have convinced me that 
apple is on a downward spiral.
Their innovation is mainly directed as ways to lock customers into their system, 
removing choice or individuality.

When it became apparent to replace my work blackberry with a more functional 
phone, i thought of the Iphone. I had
An iPad and thought an iphone would be the logical step. But the ipad updates were problematic. 
I realized that the updates were not to better my experience as a customer, but rather to better 
control me as
A customer. Apple wants everything to be bought through itunes

Some of us consider a product to be ours once we buy it, not partly still 
owned by the maker

I went with a galaxy s4 and i am very glad i did

I needed to add in a few .mov files to a ppt presentation (OR movies = not through itunes). 
Guess what? The
Updates make it nearly impossible to get an .movfile into the camera roll 
for keynote to access.
I called apple and they confirmed this and suggested i look at 3rd party apps 
as a work around
With much aggravation i did get 2 45 sec .mov files into keynote. 
Something that should be a simple
No brainer became a 6 hour headache

Thanks apple

I will watch your fall with interest. I have forbade my investment 
people from any apple stock

update: got a Samsung note 8 to replace ipad, improvement!